
This page goes over the lang.yml and its options! View the plugin's default lang.yml here.

You may notice some messages are multi-lined, this is possible for any message in the lang.yml file (except for the Prefix, as that is not a message)!



Prefix: '&f&lHarvest&a&lXP&8 &l|&r'

The prefix is only used in this file, it will replace any time you put "{PREFIX}" in a message! You will see this used further down on this page and in the lang file.



  - '&f&lHarvest&a&lXP&f Commands:'
  - '&8| &f/{COMMAND} &8- &7Shows plugin information!'
  - '&8| &f/{COMMAND} help &8- &7Shows this information!'
  - '&8| &f/{COMMAND} reload &8- &7Reloads plugin configuration!'
  - '&8| &f/{COMMAND} crops &8- &7Modify crops!'

This message is shown when you do /harvestxp help

The {COMMAND} variable is replaced with whatever command you typed to show the message, due to the command name and alias being configurable. For instance, if you typed /harvestxp help it will show /harvestxp - Shows plugin information! but if you typed an alias /hxp help it would show /hxp - Shows plugin information!



Reload: '{PREFIX} &aSuccessfully reloaded &f{MODULE}&a!'

This message shows whenever you do the reload command, /harvestxp reload

The {MODULE} variable gets replaced with whatever module you reload. If you don't enter a module, it will reload all modules.

View more information on commands here

Amount Selection


  - '{PREFIX} &aType an amount of XP to give in chat!'
  - '&8| &7Type ''&fcancel&7'' to cancel!'

  - '{PREFIX} &aType a minimum amount of XP to give in chat!'
  - '&8| &7Disable random amounts by setting min or max to &f0&7!'
  - '&8| &7Type ''&fcancel&7'' to cancel!'

  - '{PREFIX} &aType a maximum amount of XP to give in chat!'
  - '&8| &7Disable random amounts by setting min or max to &f0&7!'
  - '&8| &7Type ''&fcancel&7'' to cancel!'

These messages appear when you go to change the corresponding value for a crop.

Error Messages

There are two 'error messages' in the lang file, No-Permission and Invalid-Number


No-Permission: '{PREFIX} &cNo permission!'

For this message, you can use the {PERMISSION} variable, which is replaced by the permission node the player may lack.

For example, if the message is You lack the {PERMISSION} node! and you try the reload command without the permission, it will say You lack the harvestxp.reload node! (it will show whatever permission is configured for the reload command)


Invalid-Number: '{PREFIX} &cThat is an invalid number, please try again!'

This message occurs whenever you type something that is not a valid number when changing an XP, minimum XP, or maximum XP value for any crop.

Last updated